
A Very Busy September So Far...

Its only been September for ten days now and I feel like so much is going on.
I went to the Emergency Room for chest pains and shortness of breath. That was a fun night! (huge amounts of sarcasm)
It was almost two hours before I saw any one and of course by then I could breathe normally again. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me after doing tests and finally sent me home at 5:30 a.m.
Luckily I didn't have work the next day but after staying up the whole night, I go to the UCI
health clinic and find out I'll have to pay 40% of the costs of the ER visit. It was a great way to start the month.
Since then I've been having chest pains on and off; usually at the most inconvenient times too!
*SIGH* They did have an idea that it was due to anxiety or stress or heartburn or everything. I'm trying to change my diet by not eating so late at night (which is a lot harder than I thought!) I also have taken up walking to the park a few blocks from my apartment complex almost every day.
As for de-stressing and less anxiety....That will be a harder pro
blem to fix. Although I do feel like my job searching is going much better these last few weeks. I have my third job interview next Tuesday. I interviewed at the YMCA last week but didn't receive a callback :(
I interviewed at CarMax yesterday (Thursday) and I really really hope they liked me because that job would be perfect!!
Its only during the week and I would have my evenings off as well.
I'm just tired of my current job jerking me around and not giving me enough hours. It'll be nice to have a set schedule so I can plan other things around working. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
The interview next week is also a good option. I'm praying one of these two jobs work out!
Once this job business gets taken care of, I feel I will be less anxious.
Being able to pay the bills and on time will definitely be a bonus!
I've discovered a new distraction called "Fable II" on Xbox 360 and I have already devoted way too much time to it.
I played hooky from work today....oh yes, that's a whole other story I will tangent into:
So last night my boyfriend and I really got into it and I ended up going to sleep alone and pissed off. He ended up sleeping on the futon downstairs. (I swear living together makes fights so much worse!)
I wasn't sleeping very well, waking up every hour and it didn't help
that I was supposed to be at work in the morning. Around 5 a.m. he comes back upstairs and we go to sleep not really talking. When I wake up to my alarm for work I am so freaking exhausted I decided I would just go in for the mid-shift instead. Ended up sleeping late and the boyfriend and I patched things up. Then of course there was make up time and by then I decided going to work was pointless. Hence the playing hooky...
Back to my day of distractions. After finally receiving the case for my newly upgraded phone, I went to the grocery store and started playing Fable II. Let's just say it was many hours later and much darker when I was done. I get mad at my bo
yfriend all the time for playing video games, but ironically they are so addicting!
I feel like he has some how found a way to corrupt me so I can't nag him anymore...
Anyways, things seem to be looking up!
I'm trying to just take things day by day and staying positive.
This new church my boyfriend and I found is pretty awesome. We start their weekly bible study next week and I am looking forward to it.
Now it's time to drag my boyfriend away from the tv and go to sleep!

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