
Why is it so hot?!

I actually have some things to talk about today, isn't that exciting?
Although honestly, who am I talking to because the only follower is my boyfriend and I don't even think he reads this. I think he just clicked "follow me" to make me feel better. I guess that's okay because that's one of the many reasons I love him.

I really miss Bay Area weather. Right now its probably starting to cool off as we head into September. Instead I am stuck with this crappy orange county weather. It is way too hot, i mean i had to unplug Narius' heater so that his water wouldn't start boiling. Narius is my betta fish that I got last september.
For those of you that don't know I am OBSESSED with animals. When I was a little kid i wanted to be a veterinarian so bad! Then I found out that it required a lot of math and science-two things I wasn't the best at, so that dream died.
So I have to share this picture because it is just too adorable.
That little fur ball is my cat Snickers who has inhabited this world for the last eleven years. She is my little diva that loves attention and gets extremely jealous when she does not get it. The pair of legs she is chilling on is my boyfriend ;) She lays on him all the time and of course he loves it ;P
So, moving on....

Its weird seeing all the back to school stuff around because for the first time in the last 17 years, I am NOT going "back to school". Pretty amazing how much education takes over the first twenty-something years of your life; and I'm not even done yet!
This break from school is nice, but I must admit that I will be happy when next August rolls around and I will be settled in at some University getting ready to start graduate school. *fingers crossed* !

I had the entire weekend off from work this past weekend at that was awesome :)

We had a little get together on Friday night to send off one of my subleasing roomies, back to his hometown in New Jersey. It was pretty fun and I had way too much! I was so happy when I could finally eat food again on Saturday night. I went to In-and-Out burger and it was amazing!
Sunday was pretty mellow. My boyfriend Ryan and I went to this new church and it was really nice. The people there were super friendly and I really liked the atmosphere. Ryan was talking about wanting to find a new church [we don't like the old one we used to go to] and I didn't really feel like going [i never do, lol] but I'm really glad he talked me into it. We're going to go back next Sunday.
I was so bad on Monday. I slept in til almost 2pm! After Ryan got off work we went to Disneyland and by the time it was almost nine o'clock we were really tired. My feet were hurting so bad that I didn't mind missing the fireworks. Our annual passes are almost expired so we'll being going back soon anyways.
The one problem with going to Disneyland is that my ankles & feet were killing me today at work. My bff Courtney wants to go on Thursday but I don't know if I can handle it!

I know it may take time for things to start going in the direction that you want, but I am starting to get impatient. I have been searching for a new job for over 3 months now and my parents aren't any closer to finding jobs either. Its just so frustrating! I guess that's why its a good thing I found a new church. I really need to put my faith in God and ask him to help me be patient. I know in the end things will work out but it's very hard to not know when that endpoint is.
Going back to the church thing, I do feel that it will be helpful for me. I always tend to be lazy when I do things by myself, so being part of a community will be a good thing.

I guess I just keep waiting for things to be settled so that I can start enjoying my year off from school. What I am starting to realize that this year off may be the hardest year that I have had in a while. I may just have to accept that things are going to be hard and I can't keep on waiting. I just need to make due with what I have been given.

My thoughts have really been bouncing around tonight...
Oh well. I think I'm going to go soak my aching feet :)

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