On the Road to Grad School

February 13, 2012

So I didn't get into any grad schools last year and now I am in the process of applying AGAIN and let's just say it is not only frustrating but annoying and ugh I don't even know what to write. The boyfriend got into Pepperdine and let's just say that even though I'm happy for him, it makes me that much more frustrated with my current situation.
I pray that this year goes better than the last. Although I realize now that I would have missed out on some things down here in Orange County if I had gotten into school and moved. So even though I hated that my plans for this past fall did not work out, I do feel God working and I feel like I was meant to stay in OC for this year, for a reason.
Plus I have had so many great experiences with church and friends and even if I end up moving next fall. I will definitely miss everyone and am glad to spend time with them now.

I'm not acting very dedicated at the moment since I'm writing this post instead of writing a personal statement....
I'm just really torn about applying to Cal State LA. I mean I would be basically leaving in an area I can't stand for two years away from my boyfriend.... Don't really know if I want to do that. Well, it was nice to get that little rant off my chest.
Goodnight world.

Part I: Intro
I wanted to create space in which I could rant and rage about the stresses of applying to graduate school. My boyfriend is in the process of applying as well and I hope sharing our combined experiences will be helpful to whoever is thinking about graduate school in the future or also applying.

Letters of Recommendation
One of the things I have definitely struggled with is collecting my required letters of recommendation. My suggestion to those of you still in school, start thinking about these letters now!! They are so important in the application process because these schools want to know how you work academically and in the field in which you are applying. Professors your field of interest and any employers/directors in your field are very helpful. Get to know them!
I started my graduate school preparations late in my college career and I wish someone had told me to cultivate these relationships even if  you are not sure if you are going to continue your eduacation.

Graduate Record Examination
Its broken up into three sections; Verbal, Quantative ability (math), analytitical writing (essays); and is now computer-based. It usually takes around four hours and the verbal and math sections are scored out of 800 points.
What I have noticed and also heard from my friends that have already taken this test is that the verbal is the hardest section. During school, we all felt like our vocabulary skills had increased immensely. Which is very true. However, the GRE likes to use words that you have 1.) never EVEN seen before in your college career (not even in your neuro-bio or politica theories textbook)  2.) that are not commonly used in real life conversation and 3.) are hard to remember out of context.
My boyfriend took the GRE this past Tuesday and he said there were certain words that didn't even make sense to him.

Cabal for example. What the hell does that mean?!
Dictionary.com says:

a small group of secret plotters, as against a government or person in authority.
the plots and schemes of such a group; intrigue.
a clique, as in artistic, literary, or theatrical circles.
–verb (used without object)
to form a cabal; intrigue; conspire; plot.

Ya never know...Someone could read this and say I know exactly what that is!
Props to you my friend.
I am, however, going to keep studying my words ;P

Part Two:
The GRE is a horrible test. I am not a good test taker and did not study, as much as I should have. Which resulted in a not so happy Nicole after test day. But that's okay because it's finally in the past and I only needed it for one school.

Part Three: Updates

I didn't get into San Francisco or Fresno :(

However, I have a feeling God closed this door because not only is the cost of living ridiculous, commuting would have been hard too. So I'm thinking of it as a win-win. Although I did have my heart set on Fresno, but there must be a reason I don't know as to why God closed that door.
Its hard to keep faith sometimes.
What is really irritating is the fact that Sacramento and San Jose STILL have not gotten back to me and it is April!
FYI: I turned those applications in on January 18th & 21st. I  mean come one people, its been 4 months--practically.

So hopefully I will hear some news soon :) 
Long Beach is taking another 8-12 weeks to get back to me. Which is super frustrating, but hopefully there is a purpose behind that.

Keep it in your prayers please.

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