
Currently doing: Avoiding graduate school applications and decisions for my future

Currently listening: Wicked The Musical Soundtrack

Currently Craving: Peace of Mind

Currently Feeling: Tired and apathetic

As I look over old posts I've realized its been a long time since I've even been on my blog website. These last six months have been pretty packed. Living with the boyfriend is what I expected as well as not. I have learned a lot of new things about him that I love and mostly hate haha. I don't know how I'm going to deal with living with him for the next 40+ years once we're married. Whenever that is.
That's a nice segway into many of my frustrations these days. Like putting off marriage because of school and finances. Or lack of careers haha. I know I'm getting older because there have been so many weddings/engagements this past year that I want to shoot myself sometimes.
Sigh, I guess that's life.
Life has treated me well this past few months even with the ups and downs. I still have my crappy job (thanks be to God for that). Even though I can't stand it most days I'm so appreciative to not be unemployed and broke. Although with my lack of ability to stay on a budget, I'm still broke most of the time. This feels really good, writing out my thoughts. I don't know why I stopped doing it. I guess because I thought that my blog was lame compared to everyone else's I see that have cute themes or actually exciting events going on in their lives.
Although I've been thinking today that maybe I should start posting again because the ups and downs of a 20-something trying to find herself and God could be pretty interesting. I definitely feel like I've been on a journey lately. Hopefully that journey ends with the personal relationship I've been seeking, peace of mind, a ring of my finger and a happy career. You know, just a few things...

I apologize for my writing skills and topic switching tonight. It's hard to write cleary when you're tired :)

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