
Day 2 (on the job)

     Originally I had no idea what kind of  general subject my blog was going to follow. Then I decided to do a "post grad" theme since I started the blog when I had just graduated from college. I know it's not the most original idea, but I figure that's the phase my life is in, so might as well write about it ;)
While keeping to the general theme of life after college, I am also thinking using my new job as fuel for writing. Mostly because this is my first office job in a long time and I tend to have a lot of random thoughts running through my mind through out the day. I spend a lot of my time tapping my fingers on the desk, so I figure, might as well write down my thoughts.
Isn't this the most adorable work space :)
I wish my desk was this pretty
  I got here at 8:30 in the morning and let me tell you, that is very early for me. I guess it's early for most people at my new office because I was one of the first people in the entire building. That's okay though, I like the quiet since I'm new and I like feeling settled by the time the partners come in the door.
     The tech guy Ryan was setting up my computer when I walked in, which made me excited because my first day behind the desk was boring without any computer to work on.
By the time I had finished making coffee he was done. I think it's kind of funny that today was the first day I have ever made coffee from a coffee pot maker. I hope I made it right, but whoever drank it didn't say anything so I guess I won't know.
     The rest of the day has been just as uneventful as the morning. I did some filing and sorted some t-shirts for the wherehouse employees. Other than answering the phone, signing for packages and buzzing open the door, that is pretty much what my job entails.
Pretty easy, huh?
     Definitely easier than I expected it to be. I am taking it with a grain of salt, however, since it is my second day and I'm sure they will find more work for me to do in the future. As nice as it is to sit down for most of the day, I hate that I'm at the office from the time I leave the house until after the sun goes down. I miss out on all the sunshine. Daylight hours are my favorite part of the day and with the daylight savings time change, it's dark by the time I get to go home :( I guess I'll just have to get used to that until it's spring again.
     I haven't figured out my new budget yet, but I'm pretty sure I will have some extra money to spend on a gym membership. Which I can't wait to purchase because I hate that our apartment complex does not have a gym. Given how tiny I was in the past, I definitely don't mind having curves, but I don't want to get TOO curvy. Hopefully I'll be able to get it next month. Maybe I'll wait until January because I'm sure I can get a good deal for New Years.

     I'm very happy to have found a stable job and a friendly work environment. It felt like I would never find a satisfying job. Even though it took me months to find something, I still feel blessed because I know the job market is horrendous these days and many people are still out of work. I found a job before my mom and she has been out of work for almost two years.
I really hope my parents find something soon.
Only two more hours of work! There's a special program at church tonight that I'm going to after work. I'm a little nervous only because I forgot to register (so they don't know I'm coming) and I don't know if I will know anyone there. Should be a good event though.

Hope everyone is getting through the Monday blues!

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