
Diets, Books and Yogurt

Friday night was pretty fun. I went to an event at my Church. They are putting on a ten-week course called "Alpha Course" and it talks about Jesus Christ and the meaning of life. I decided to sign up for it and I really feel like it is going to be really informative and helpful. Part of the course is a series of videos by this British guy that wrote the curriculum and he is pretty hilarious. The was a whole spread of food from Stonefire Grill and I was so full from dinner and dessert that I thought I was going to die!
If this keeps up I am never going to be able to stick to a proper diet :)
After dinner I hung out with my old roommate for a bit before heading out for a kickback hosted by some of Ryan's friends. Their apartment is so bright and colorful with crazy bright accent walls. We played "Never Have I Ever" and some other games. I learned more about people's sex lives than I really need to know. It was really late when we got there and we didn't leave until 3:30a.m. and I was so tired! I woke up this morning feeling all achy and exhausted, and I barely drank anything!
Today was a pretty lazy day and filled with more yummy food. (Jack N the Box & Panda, I'm so bad!) I decided that since tomorrow is the beginning of a new week, I am going to watch what I eat from here on out. Which means I need to be good later today at the Church bbq. This Church feeds people like they're homeless, its crazy! The boyfriend says that that's how Baptists are.
Earlier tonight I was talking with my old roommate (she'd been staying over the past two nights) and we were going through all the books that we love or want to read.
I now have this long list of books I need to read and I want to go through all the great classics...which will take me a while. I figure I'll just add it to my now increasing list of things to do this fall.
I'm going to start off with Pride and Prejudice.
I started reading it once, and couldn't get past the first few chapters about marriage, but I hear it gets better so I'm going to try again.
I ate Yogurtland again tonight...
yes, I know this is not helping my diet plans. This is my last splurge though and it was awesome.
Pumpkin pie & NY cheesecake yogurt with cookie dough, strawberries and chocolate sauce :)



Today has been a productive day.
My day started off a little late but I got a lot done. I went to the library to return books and picked up some drawing books and some Spanish books. (This is all a part of my plan that I am going to explain later)
Then I went to Michael's to return the cross-stitch that was the wrong type and I didn't get a replacement because they have no stamped cross stitch for a decent price. I checked out Petsmart as well to get info about the kitty volunteers but I haven't made up my mind about that...I'm thinking I won't have the time for it because as fun as it would be I have more serious responsibilities to handle. Which leads into what I have been trying to plan the last few days.
My fall schedule.
Since I'm the only one in the house out of school, I want to stay busy. Now that I have FINALLY secured a job with stable hours I can do just that. In the beginning I thought I was going to be bored but I actually think I have quite a lot to do now. My overall outline is:

Mondays: work 8a.m.-5 p.m., work out 5:30 p.m.

Tuesdays: work 8a.m.-5 p.m., work out 5:30 p.m.

Wednesdays: work 8a.m.-5 p.m., Bible Study 7-9 p.m.

Thursdays: work 8a.m.-5 p.m., work out 5:30 p.m.,

Fridays: work 8a.m.-5 p.m., Alpha Course 7-9 p.m.

Saturdays: volunteer work(?) work out 5:30 p.m.
Sundays: Church 10 a.m., volunteer work(?)

I've been searching the web, looking for places to volunteer and I inquired at four places. I'm kind of hoping for the one with elder care because I want to do something to help people like my grandpa since I can't be there to help him myself.
I also plan on using my weekday evenings to catch up on my hobbies--cross stitching, scrap booking, blogging (new one!), drawing and I plan on trying to learn spanish (for real this time--almost six years of the subject and it still hasn't sunk in)

I hope that my initial plan works out. It won't be fully into effect until the end of the month or October. I'm not looking forward to having to get up at 8 a.m. five days a week. It's definitely going to be a new one for me!

I think that is all for tonight...my remaining plans for the evening are reading and getting the boyfriend to take me to Yogurtland :)

Goodnight and God Bless


Good news!

I'm sad that after tonight, I have to go back to work for the next three days :(
But that's okay because the last two days have gone really well. As of the last post I was waiting on two job positions and I found out from one of them that they want me! So I was able to put in my resignation at my job today which felt amazing!
So glad that I will be done with that place by next Thursday.
The position isn't my ideal job but its a M-F which will be a really nice change to have my evening and weekends available again. Now I just need to plan the rest of my schedule so I'm not bored the rest of the year.
UC Irvine starts back up in a week and its going to be so weird not going back to school. All the other roommates will be starting classes and I'm definitely jealous.
At least I will be starting two different classes with the Church on Wednesday and Friday nights. I feel like that will be a good way to fill some time.
The first day of the Wednesday bible study was tonight. It was a lot of fun! There was so much food, it was unbelievable. I really wish I had taken a picture of it with my phone ;P I ate so much!
It feels so good to get a good meal...I tend to not realize how broke I am until I go somewhere and get properly fed. The people at Church can cook!
Anyways, we got introduced to our small groups and went over the basics of how things are going to be run. It was a good first day and I'm looking forward to next week. We had a closing prayer and prayer requests and I got choked up when I tried talking about my parents and my grandpa which sucks because I hate crying in front of people, especially new people. Everyone was really nice about it though.
The second class starts on Friday and I am looking forward to that as well.
I want to volunteer somewhere and I know I should be looking for some non-profit organizations, so I can work on stuff for graduate school but I couldn't resist thinking about the sign I saw at Petsmart asking for volunteers for kitten care. That would be so much fun. I figure I they need someone in the evenings I could probably still do it and do something on weekends for a non-profit. I wanted to be busy right?? I think I might actually look into that afterall...
I am kind of nervous about starting the new job though. I hope that I don't get burnt out too quickly, especially since I'll be at this place for the next ten months or so.

Which gets me to thinking about graduate school again and my worries about what schools I'm going to get into and whether I'll be living in the Bay Area or in Sacramento or in Fresno or who knows where!
Then I start worrying about whether the boyfriend will be going to school nearby or not and I wish everything will just work out smoothly!
I know that I would be able to go to graduate school without him, but if we were to go to the same graduate school it definitely would be a plus! I mean we've never been apart for more than 2 weeks since I've started dating him :)

I'm glad for the break from school for a little bit, but at the same time I wish I knew where my life is heading. So much uncertainty about the next couple of years. All I know is that I will try my hardest to make sure the boyfriend and I get through these next couple of years because I can't picture my life without him.

I can't wait to start working full-time, get a full-time paycheck and be able to pay everything on time!!!
By my birthday I'll probably have a little extra money for clothes :)


I love Sundays

Today was a good day. Most Sundays are good days, which is why I like them so much.
Sundays usually mean no work for me, no work for the boyfriend, laziness and Church.
Church is a new addition to the Sunday routine and I am liking it so far. The people are really nice and welcoming.
I like being involved in a community again, especially since school ended.
We signed up for a bible class and today they were talking about another class held on Fridays and we're going to check that one out this week and I'm pretty excited about it.
I was really tired this morning but I got a nice surprise after the service. Not only was their coffee, but food as well!! I got a nice plate full of fruit, wheat thins and a bagel :)
Four years of college definitely makes you appreciate good free food. One of the many lessons of being away from home.
The boyfriend and I went to Costco for a few things and some yummy samples :) and then I played Fable II for a little while.
I was talking to one of my best friends on the phone the other night and she said I had lost interest in all my whole hobbies because I was so busy with school and that I should take them back up again now that I'm done.
It definitely makes sense and i picked up a cross-stitching kit from Michaels today. I haven't cross-stitched since my my taught me in high school. She'll be glad to hear I plan on starting it again.
I didn't get laundry done like I was supposed to today. Instead I got wrapped up in Bible verses and my new book I'm reading call "Sea Glass". Its a interesting setting and I'm not sure where the author's going with it...
Anyways, now I'm actually watching a super old childhood classic "Labyrinth". I haven't seen it in years and it is so 80's!!!!!
Then I'm off to work tomorrow >.<>
I just have to get through tomorrow and then it'll be time for my interview and my dinner date with Beca!


A Very Busy September So Far...

Its only been September for ten days now and I feel like so much is going on.
I went to the Emergency Room for chest pains and shortness of breath. That was a fun night! (huge amounts of sarcasm)
It was almost two hours before I saw any one and of course by then I could breathe normally again. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with me after doing tests and finally sent me home at 5:30 a.m.
Luckily I didn't have work the next day but after staying up the whole night, I go to the UCI
health clinic and find out I'll have to pay 40% of the costs of the ER visit. It was a great way to start the month.
Since then I've been having chest pains on and off; usually at the most inconvenient times too!
*SIGH* They did have an idea that it was due to anxiety or stress or heartburn or everything. I'm trying to change my diet by not eating so late at night (which is a lot harder than I thought!) I also have taken up walking to the park a few blocks from my apartment complex almost every day.
As for de-stressing and less anxiety....That will be a harder pro
blem to fix. Although I do feel like my job searching is going much better these last few weeks. I have my third job interview next Tuesday. I interviewed at the YMCA last week but didn't receive a callback :(
I interviewed at CarMax yesterday (Thursday) and I really really hope they liked me because that job would be perfect!!
Its only during the week and I would have my evenings off as well.
I'm just tired of my current job jerking me around and not giving me enough hours. It'll be nice to have a set schedule so I can plan other things around working. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
The interview next week is also a good option. I'm praying one of these two jobs work out!
Once this job business gets taken care of, I feel I will be less anxious.
Being able to pay the bills and on time will definitely be a bonus!
I've discovered a new distraction called "Fable II" on Xbox 360 and I have already devoted way too much time to it.
I played hooky from work today....oh yes, that's a whole other story I will tangent into:
So last night my boyfriend and I really got into it and I ended up going to sleep alone and pissed off. He ended up sleeping on the futon downstairs. (I swear living together makes fights so much worse!)
I wasn't sleeping very well, waking up every hour and it didn't help
that I was supposed to be at work in the morning. Around 5 a.m. he comes back upstairs and we go to sleep not really talking. When I wake up to my alarm for work I am so freaking exhausted I decided I would just go in for the mid-shift instead. Ended up sleeping late and the boyfriend and I patched things up. Then of course there was make up time and by then I decided going to work was pointless. Hence the playing hooky...
Back to my day of distractions. After finally receiving the case for my newly upgraded phone, I went to the grocery store and started playing Fable II. Let's just say it was many hours later and much darker when I was done. I get mad at my bo
yfriend all the time for playing video games, but ironically they are so addicting!
I feel like he has some how found a way to corrupt me so I can't nag him anymore...
Anyways, things seem to be looking up!
I'm trying to just take things day by day and staying positive.
This new church my boyfriend and I found is pretty awesome. We start their weekly bible study next week and I am looking forward to it.
Now it's time to drag my boyfriend away from the tv and go to sleep!