
A Fresh Start in 2011

I'm sure there have been lots and lots of New Year's posts on the internet. I guess I will be following the same trend today, but for good reason.
2010 was a very difficult year for me and I went through a lot. Even though I went through my share of pain I feel like it was worth it. I grew up and matured more this past year than in my whole college career. I was able to reconnect with God through the love and support of friends and family. I learned a lot about myself while going through unemployment and job hunting. I am glad however that the year is over.
After a shaky start to the year I feel that it is time for me to do better. Be a better person, physically, emotinally and spiritually. This has a lot to do with my resolutions for this year.
I usually have resolutions but I don't really take them seriously. Probably because I don't even bother to write them down. So here are my goals for the new year 2011:

Starting and maintaining healthier eating habits
Keep a regular fitness routine
Stay confident and try my very best at my new job
Read the bible and pray every day
Floss everyday
Complain and criticize less...especially to my boyfriend

Wish me luck!
Hope the week is going well for everyone

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