
"There's a spark in you, you just got to ignite the light and let it shine. Just own the night, like the Fourth of July. You're a firework, come on show them what you're worth...Come on let your colors burst."
 ~Katy Perry
The Recent Name Change

 don't know if anyone on here even noticed, but I tend to change the title of my blog ever so often.
I guess I either haven't found a name that really fits yet or I just get bored. I tend to do this with other aspects of my life as well. It seem like I have a weird urge to re-arrange my room every winter. It actually happens, just ask my roommates ;)
Also, I was looking at pictures from my birthday at Disneyland last year and there is this great one of me and my best friend sitting in the teacups of Alice and Wonderland and the pictures just embodies so much about what life truly is:
A whirlwind adventure full of twists and turns,
laughing and smiling while trying to hang on

I Apologize for my Randomness
Wow, looking over that last post I realized I was not connecting my thoughts well at all. I figure having separated topics can be helpful when I have lots to say. Haha. I just don't feel like writing a post for each random subject I feel like talking about. I swear I am not that horrible at writing, I just had a lot on my mind. What I was starting to do, is doing what I do best. STRESS
Stressing out while writing my personal statement, stressing out while studing vocabulary for the GRE.
Stressing about the future of my career, what career? Everything.
So I think I need to take a little breather today and calm myself.
I just haven't figured out what that is going to entail quite yet.
My lovely boyfriend is done with his finals tonight. Maybe we'll do a little celebration/stress release.

The Boyfriend
I have a very good boyfriend. Anyone that knows me would most definitely agree. He puts up with my craziness. Especially lately. A lot of my friends are getting engaged and married, or already married and I guess I had a slight case of "ring fever" or "rush to the altar syndrome"; whatever you want to call it.
 Its surprising we don't fight that much considering we see each other every single day and we've both been really stressed lately. I guess it might be because we have been together for so long now [three years next month o.O] that he knows how to tackle anything I throw at him<3

Things I am Loving at the Moment

Courtesy of Jacksonjewels.com

I have had an obsession with finding out what type of stone this is for the longest time. Mostly because I have a  ring from Target and I could never remember that it was called silver marcasite. I finally figured it out today and It makes me so happy! Especially because my old ring is too big now and I am itching for a replacement one of these days.
This rose ring would be a good choice, huh?
It reminds me of the flower from Beauty & the Beast a little bit

Courtesy of Swiss Miss
This phrase was originally used as a poster produced by the British government in 1939 with the intention to raise morale of the British public during World War II. I thought it was a cute little phrase and the rich history behind it makes it even more interesting.  I definitely need some form of this in my apartment. One of the blogs I follow had a picture of it in her kitchen. I noticed it again on another design blog. It was little know and never used but now its trendy. Oh well, I guess I'm jumping on the bandwagon!

Young House Love
This idea I totally owe to this new awesome blog I stumbled upon today. I have a feeling I will be looking into this site much further.
This will be the perfect gift for one of my good friends. I'm so excited to try and make it :)
I definitely suggest you go to the link and check it out.
By the way: to the owner of that blog, just in case you read this, I adore your house; it is absolutely gorgeous!

Courtesy of kaboodle.com

Courtesy of kaboodle.com

Can you believe that someone handcrafted these? So amazing. The love note postcard is absolutely adorable and it has already been sold which breaks my heart because I would definitely wear that. The bracelet is also lovely and it is so true. I know I have definitely opened up my heart, which is really the only way to truly love.

~*Happy Tuesday!*~
P.S. I would love any advice on blog designs. I added the Page feature but it doesn't seem to let me make more than one. I have also been frustrated with the lack of font selection on blogger and I wish I could figure out how to get the cool fonts people have on their blogs >.< Any other general guidance about templates, fonts, imbedding, etc. would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Nice blog! I like your writing way. I'm doing practice GRE here: masteryourgre.com . I hope it's useful for GRE test takers.

  2. Thanks for the link. I'm sure it will be helpful, The more practice the better ;)
