
Let the Rain Come Down

The title is one of my favorite songs by Sara Bareilles right now. I've been listening to it a lot lately and its fitting for my life right now
I wish blogger had more font choices....
Yes, that was my random thought for today.
It was an interesting weekend. The weather the last two days has really reminded me of home. I actually wore my peacoat to church today and then snuggled under blankets the rest of the day :) Nothing eventful happened. It was pretty relaxing actually, which I think I really needed since I had been really stressed out lately.
I had a really good hang out and talk with a good friend yesterday. 
I checked out on reality today, watching a bunch of tv shows and now that Monday morning is looming, its time to go back to the real world.
I have THREE job interviews tomorrow! :) Wish me luck world!
I am determined to stay positive. Its been hard for me to realize, but I know that God has a plan in my life and that he is there for me. I don't know how things are going to work out, but I know that they will. I hope that it is within God's plan that one of these three jobs will be the ONE.
Besides that, I don't really have any other news. Except Grey's Anatomy Season Six is now streaming on Netflix. Which is AMAZING!
For those who don't know...which is probably anyone who is reading this...I was an obsessed fan of Grey's. I own all five previous seasons. 
I say was because when they started hacking off my favorite characters (Burke, George, oh and NOW Izzy as well) it was very upsetting. The beginning crew built what that show is today. 
That's not the only reason I did a boycott from Grey's for a while. My senior year was very hectic and I got behind on the episodes. 
I am one of those people who hate hate hate not knowing what is going on. Whether that be in real life or on tv shows. So I decided since I didn't have the time to catch up and I didn't want to watch current episodes without knowing what had happened previously I boycotted. I have not seen Grey's in about a year I think. That is a LONG time! 
Even though I was not liking the direction the show was going, it has still been my favorite show for the last five years. Which is why i was so excited when I found out on Friday that Grey's was on Netflix. I can finally find out what happened this last season.
It had really been bugging me since I had only seen the first four episodes of the sixth season. It was also very hard to keep from finding out what was going on accidently, especially since my lovely ex-roomies love that show too ;)
I guess I'm done rambling about that now as well...
Overall the weekend was good. I'm kind of pissed off at one of my roommates at the moment, almost ruined my night but I'm getting over it.
He can be a jack ass if he wants to. Just don't expect me to help him out anymore 
Which I know is not the right attitude, but I assume once I'm not mad anymore I'll be nice to him again....maybe ;)

Well, good night world. Wish me luck tomorrow!

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