
The Diet Never Happened

 I kind of laugh over my previous post about starting a diet. That lasted a total of about 1 day.
I am just so addicted to the yumminess that is fast food :)
Its bad. Those animal fries got me...
It's kinda sad though because I really want to get rid of these love handles that are starting to form before it too late!
I guess that's just how life has been lately...Things not working out.
My lovely schedule that I built for myself is gone. I'm job hunting, AGAIN.
I have probably done at least 3o applications in the last two weeks. It is kind of ridiculous how bad the job market is. Two years ago I would of had a job last week. Instead it is going on the third week of not having work and I am really starting to stress out. Being on your own and not having an income is a BIG problem.
I'm trying to remain hopefully about my recent interviews. I only had three this week and only two of them I'm actually being considered for. One of them isn't even full time but I am so desperate at this point that ANYTHING will do.
I really do mean anything. I applied to Boston Market today...
That's how desperate I am. A young adult woman with her college degree has applied to a food restaurant.
Aren't I glad I spent so much money on that piece of paper?!
I never thought I would miss Macy's, and I really don't but I miss having a job that paid at least some of my bills.
I didn't appreciate that enough, even if it wasn't enough, it was something.
I think I'm done with my ranting.
I just want to be a working girl again.

I need to leave this in God's hands.
Lord, hopefully it is your will for me to get one of the positions that I applied for this week. I really need to earn money soon! Please help me!

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