
Short Walks & Bible Verses

You could say that I am a little obsessed with journals or that I have a passion for notebook collecting....
Its probably both. This shot isn't even counting some of my smaller, pocket/personal sized notebooks. 
The green one is the newest addition. I saw it at Rite Aid and just couldn't resist. Even though two or my existing ones are blank and two are barely written in. 
I just love writing and words and the pretty stationary products that encompass it. 

I was feeling a little lost today. It wasn't the best day at work, and when you don't really like your job, you want to maximize your "at home time" as much as possible. Which is why I think I was frustrated. I was in a bad mood and wanted to make the most of my evening. So sitting around in my room alone was not satisfying...
I ended up walking across the street to my bank and then on to Rite Aid to discover my new green journal and by the time I got home, I was feeling a little better in spirits. Plus I caught up on some of the devotionals I have been neglecting which also helped. There were five of them titled "Growing Stronger Through Change", which I was supposed to read May 10-14, (whoops) that I really felt reflected how I have been feeling lately. Today's devotional was really inspiring:

"To will and to act according to his purpose." -Php 2:13 (NIV)
God's Customized Plan for Your Life
God is committed to His plan for your life, not yours! You can't say, 'Lord here's my plan; bless it.' He may, but He may not. "He...created us...so we can do the good things he planned for us" (Eph 2:10 NLT). You can't say, 'In this category I'm doing things my way, but in that category I'm being led by God.' No, every step you take must be synchronized by the beat of the Holy Spirit. Nothing should be more important to you than keeping pace with Him. Paul writes: "For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his...purpose." (Php 2:13) God works through you as you open your spirit, engage your mind, and use your talents, to do what He's already put into your heart. The moment you say yes, He gives you the power to perform His will. Notice, He doesn't reveal His will, then call you. No, He calls you, and as you step out and obey Him He reveals His will to you step by step. Each day God is molding you into a greater likeness of His Son. That's His objective. You're not out for a stroll, you;re going somewhere! Over and over again you'll be put into situations that mature you to the point where you have the same attitude, the same perspective, the same responses, and the same discernment as Jesus. Once you understand that, walking with God will take on a whole new meaning. You'll realize his customized plan for your life is the only plan that will ever satisfy you.

I wonder how people can know so much, or just say things that totally speak to me sometimes...
Anyways, I ended up talking to my mom for almost an hour and it looks like the organizing of my journals is not going to happen tonight. I am definitely going to start back on my prayer journal though.

Good night world.

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