
I want some things to start changing in my life.
First of all, I want to get into a graduate school. ANY graduate that I applied to will suffice. Thanks.
Also, going along with admission status I would like a place to live for the next 12-15 months.
I would like a job that I care about enough to go to everyday and to be able to afford more than a studio apartment in the "hoods" of Orange County.
Basically,  I just want my adult life to start. It'll be a year out of college in June and although I work full-time, not much is going on in terms of my goals post-college.
A couple things that I want to work on, in order to prepare myself for the next steps in my adult life are being more patient and faithful. During a discussion with the boyfriend on such matters he quoted Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding."
So simple, but oh so hard to do.
I've been struggling with a lot of things lately. Mostly involving my new journey with God, work and graduate school dealings. These last twelve months have been a year of changes that is for sure.
After giving it a lot of thought, I decided to get baptized during our church's 40 year celebration.
Since my only baptism was in a Catholic church when I was a baby, I feel like this is a good step toward full dedication and commitment to accepting God in my life.
Which means I have a lot of work to do, emotionally and spiritually to prepare for next month.
Makes me a little afraid, but I know that any transformation isn't easy and I feel like I need to do a lot more reading in the Bible to prepare. It'll be a good day though.
Today has been such a weird day. The crazy summer weather, and I just feel pretty apathetic about everything.

1 comment:

  1. I felt that same way not too long ago. For me, it really was rooted in my faith. What I failed to realize was that I was sending up empty prayers. I had to make sure I was putting in work on my side so that God could handle the rest. I had to change my actions so I could yield different results. I'm sure everything will work out for you. You just have to be sure too!
