
Today is an interesting day

Most days I'm at my meaningless job, exhausted and stressing over bills that I can't pay. Or I'm at home after working at my job for 8 1/2 hours, cooking dinner, which is one of my few escapes these days.
There is something about cooking that makes me happy. Maybe its the fact that I created something delicious and pretty. Or it could be the satisfaction of seeing Ryan gobbling it down and calling me a good cook ;)
Either way, I love to cook these days. Which my family finds completely hilarious since not only did I not know how to cook most things growing up, I burned eggs. Yep, eggs.
So you could say that I have come a long way.

Back to today.
Usually Mondays means a slow day at work and barely making my sales goal. Instead it means sitting in my apartment, not sure what to do with my time because I have today off, and tomorrow. Its a weird feeling. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a job and I desperately need the money but I just can't stand the one I have. Is it so much to ask for a place to work that I enjoy being at for more than six hours at a time? Or a place where I actually have some responsibilities and my intelligence is actually being used? I guess it be asking for too much right now, especially the way the job market is.

As a college graduate, I just expect something more than selling shoes.